Graduation and Celebration

Coastal Mechanical Graduation Celebration

Coastal Mechanical has a long history of developing World-Class craftworkers.  We recently held a celebration of our Apprenticeship program which allowed our apprentices, instructors, and their families to gather in acknowledgement of graduates as well as our high-performing students.  Among the graduates were plumbers, pipefitters and sheet metal workers.

5 Plumbers: 

Leonel Jaurides

Carlos Mojica

Edwin Rubio

Miguel Torres 

Adam Rakoczy 

1 Pipefitter: 

Gage Mauthner

2 Sheet Metal Workers: 

Dustin Harris 

Jonathan Geiger  

We also have a tradition of awarding the Golden Hard Hat award to the student as well as the instructor who has made outstanding contributions to the program.  This year’s winners were Gage Mauthner and Robert Stanton.  We also presented many other awards for outstanding academic performance and OJT documentation.  If you are looking for a career that is lucrative, rewarding, and in high demand, then follow the example of these World-Class Craftworkers and acquire your knowledge and skills through apprenticeship!

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